We’re a team of individuals that all share a passion for website design and development. We love helping out pro-bloggers, startups, and small businesses find their identity, grow their brand, and develop into something much bigger.
We’re a team of individuals that all share a passion for website design and development. We love helping out pro-bloggers, startups, and small businesses find their identity, grow their brand, and develop into something much bigger.
In 2011, we noticed a pattern with our pro-bloggers and small businesses. They were always looking for help with finding their brand identity and building their websites. Clients would tell us over and over again that it was so hard to find a web agency that was affordable, easy to communicate with, and took the time to understand their needs.
Our team figured out how to provide these web services to at a price pro-bloggers and small businesses could afford and BOOM, Pressed Solutions was officially created.
Our goal was and still remains to provide modern, beautiful designs that are built to drive more traffic, convert more visitors, and help our clients succeed.
To achieve our goal of helping our clients succeed by growing their customer base, we put an emphasis on the following services: