Is SEO(Search Engine Optmization) based on a magical, impossible to understand algothirms? Do you think the only way to succeed in SEO is by using black-hat methods like using unrelated keywords, hidden links, cloaking, duplicate content or scraping?
“Myths have surfaced all over search results about SEO on how to quickly achieve a high ranking in search results.”
Remember when your parents taught you that nothing worthwhile comes easy or without work? You have to earn your worth in this world. The same principal applies to SEO. SEO needs to be a long-term goal for your website. Time, patience, and consistency will grow your SEO and build a high-ranking in search engines.
Keeping this in mind, we have listed four of the more common SEO myths that seem to cause website owners the most confusion. We’ll also list tips that will help you work through the long-term process of maintaining and growing your content for best SEO rankings.
Myth: If I stuff my keywords, I will get my website penalized by search engines and this will have a negative impact on my search engine ranking
Fact: Keyword stuffing or over-optimizing your keywords, refers to the practice of loading a webpage with keywords or numbers in an attempt to manipulate a site’s ranking in Google search results. This type of “gaming” with SEO, will result in penalization and also makes your content hard to understand for your user. There are ways to follow the rules and also grow your SEO score to rank high on search engines using the correct keywords.
Myth: To rank high on search indexes, I need long-form content on my website.
Fact: While it is true that the length of your content helps build your SEO ranking, there are many others factors that also contribute to maintaining a high ranking website in search indexes. These include user experience, mobile responsiveness, backlinks, and page speed.
Tips: 1. Make sure you are utilizing Google Analytics and identifying your target audience. Google Analytics provides measurements that list visitors by age, region, interests. Google trends also helps you identify new markets and examine keyword audiences to search for. You can then build content based on your findings.
Myth: The only way to rank high is to have a “.com” website url.
Fact: Your url needs to be concise, easy to spell, and readable by human beings. The easier to read, the better it is for search engines. Keywords that are used in the domain name are especially important. Keywords in the URL show up in search results, and research has shown that the URL is one of the most prominent elements searchers consider when selecting which site to click.
Myth: Sharing information with other websites through guest blogging and authority links diminishes my marketing efforts. This takes away visitors from my site and decreases my SEO.
Fact: Remember earlier in our article when we mentioned that your audience comes first with content. Same goes for this myth. Your top priority should be educating your audience and giving them the best information. This may include providing references or authority links to similar sites, or inviting a credible guest author to provide their valuable experience and insight. Other benefits include increased traffic by linking out to authority sites and attracting new audiences.
In conclusion, SEO is not a difficult, mysterious concept
There is not a magic bullet or quick approach for search engine optimization. It takes patience and consistency to grow your SEO to build a high-ranking in search engines.
Using these tips, you can invest your SEO efforts into a long term plan and build your ranking. Remember that SEO takes time and consistency and by providing value to your target audience, your ranking will grow organically. If you need help with SEO, our team provides free consultations and SEO services to help you grow.