SEO Techniques Search engine optimization has changed many times over the past decade. Filling content with overused keywords, also known as keyword stuffing, does not work with search engines. However, using and targeting keywords is still essential. Keywords not only provide a boost in SEO, they also help you determine what your audience is looking […]
Are you trying to decide whether to outsource to a professional website developer or rely on your own staff for website creation? Of course, the answer depends on how qualified in-house people are at HTML, graphics, databases and other technical aspects of website development. Creating a compelling WordPress website with relevant content is challenging, especially […]
Spring cleaning is usually a concept associated with home life. It’s when people finally decide to do all of the tasks that they never have time for during the rest of the year, such as sweeping the entire house or throwing out unnecessary junk. The idea of spring cleaning stems from the connotations many people […]
Maintaining your WordPress site is time-consuming and a little tedious. After all, isn’t your site there to serve you? Why does maintenance matter? A WordPress site is not merely a one-time build that’s ready to sustain itself throughout the life of your company, brand or blog. Just as a physical building you might make for […]
Plugins are undeniably great. They add new features and functionality to your web page so you can present data and promote customer interaction in unique and customized ways. Without plugins, WordPress becomes a fairly simple platform without much to offer in the way of detailed customization. Some of you ask: is it possible for there […]