

Negotiating Skills That Will Take Your Marketing Game to the Next Level

When it comes to marketing, digital marketing, in particular, many articles talk about how you need social media presence, PPC ads, SEO, etc. With all these fancy tools at our disposal, we often forget that most forms of modern marketing are really just a fuller application of the skill of negotiation. Here are some negotiation […]


Regular WordPress Maintenance to Keep Your Website Fresh

WordPress was created to make it easy to manage a website, but that doesn’t mean that it is completely free of WordPress maintenance. If you completely set it and forget it, your website could run into multiple issues and maintenance problems such as: Slow loading times Negative search engine results and rankings Malware and other […]

seo search bar cartoon

7 Principles of SEO to Keep in Mind When Building a Campaign

Search engine optimization (SEO) is still one of the best ways that you can drive traffic to your website. When building a campaign, there are 7 principles that you can follow to ensure that your site gets the targeted traffic you need. Content Is King The first aspect you should focus on when optimizing your […]

SEO Content

How to Use SEO Content to Grow Your Traffic

To get us started, let’s answer the question: “What IS SEO Content?”. SEO refers to search engine optimization, which means search engines such as Google can easily find your website to direct people to it when it finds a match. Content is defined by any text or information listed on your website that can be […]

happy teens talking

How To Market Your Business To Teenagers

Marketing to teens is something that is much easier said than done. The truth is that teens can be a fickle demographic: They love you one minute and ignore you the next. All of this is assuming that you can get noticed in the first place, which can be a big if. Going through the […]

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